Tattoos, Piercings & Laser Removal
01772 378565

Benj Ashmead
Benj has been tattooing for almost 18 years now, he has spent nearly two decades practicing and honing his skills, mastering each aspect of this age-old art form.
Over the last five years, Benj has seen his style gravitate towards colour realism and he has established a strong reputation as a leading artist in this area. Benj has a distinct style, producing vibrant, bold, colourful tattoos and he enjoys experimenting with different light sources to achieve a unique look to his work.
It was Benj’s passion for music that steered him towards the world of tattoos. Many of the rock stars that he aspired to be were covered in ink. In fact, Benj spent a decade in a rock band of his own, Dear Superstar, a successful group who toured with big names such as Papa Roach, Puddle of Mudd, Soil and Ugly Kid Joe.
Benj took ownership of True Colours Tattoo Studio in 2018 and has since been 100% focused on building a class-leading team.